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Ev Charger Installation 4

EV Home Charger Victoria

Send Your Home to the Future with an EV Charging Station

You're tired of high gas prices. You're tired of the smell of burning fuel. You're tired of knowing how you're hurting the environment. You've decided to take the plunge and do what's right for you, your family, and the world around you - purchasing an electric vehicle. But now that you've got it, how do you power it? How does your home provide the EV home charger you need?

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as plugging your car into a normal power outlet. EV charging stations are specialized pieces of equipment that can provide the high-amperage, high-voltage power you need to fuel your new electric vehicle and get it ready for the road. 360 Comfort Systems can determine the best solution for your home and budget and install it so that charging your car is as easy as can be.

The 360 Comfort Systems Difference

What sets us apart:

  • Honest Pricing: We won't do any work until you've been quoted a price, and you will always pay that price and not a bit more.
  • Scheduling On Your Time: We'll work with you to get the work done when it's best for you - sometimes we can even provide same-day service!
  • Expertise: Our technicians are certified, licensed and knowledgeable and can provide you with the best solution for your situation.
  • What You Need, Not What We Want: We will never try and sell you something your home doesn't need.
  • Always Prepared: Our trucks carry a wide-range of parts and equipment so we can take care of most repairs without having to special order anything.
  • Our Guarantee: If you invite us to your home to handle your repairs, we promise we will do it right, do it professionally and do it in a way that leaves you happy.

Get a Charge Out of Our Prices

Electric Car Charging Installation: Call for a quote today!

Benefits You May Find Shocking

Forgive us the pun, but there are more advantages to having your own home electric car charging station than keeping your car charged:

  • Extra Savings - Not only can you save money on gas with an electric car, but a home charger will let you power up your car during off-peak hours, saving on your power bill as well.
  • Smart Functionality - Many home EV chargers are wi-fi equipped and can be operated from a phone app, giving you greater control and the ability to schedule your car's charging cycle.
  • Relaxing Convenience - With your own charger you can have your car ready to go when you need it, rather than pinning your hopes on an available public charging station.
  • Greater Home Value - More and more people are purchasing electric cars and automakers are constantly increasing their offerings. Having an EV charger installed in your home ups its value and can make it more attractive to future buyers.

Electrify Your Travel

An electric car is better for the environment and better for your wallet. Make sure your home is ready for your new ride by letting 360 Comfort Systems professionally install your personal electric car charging station. Contact us through our web site or call 250-800-5041 and let us get started today!

100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call 250-800-5041 or BOOK TODAY
Call 236-864-0110